Sunday, January 31, 2010

Modern Art Movement

Vincent van Gogh, “Van Gogh’s Room at Arles” (1889)

3. Define the Modern Art Movement

When did it begin? How did it begin? It can be traced to the Salon des Refuses in Paris in 1863-- specifically to Manet's groundbreaking painting Le Dejeuner Sur l'Herbe. Manet painted this scene of a picinic in the woods with no pretenses or hiding. This painting was the seed where the roots of the Impressionists grew from. The Impressionists took the spirit of this work and moved forward.

When did it end? 1970's

What are the main principles associated with the Modern Art Movement?--and what is the aesthetic character of Modern Art?

--a break with tradition and an intent to challenge the norm/ status quo-- It was an exploration and experimentation and a fresh new approach to looking at the world. The movement pushed the boundaries, constructs, roles and the here to fore function of what was then "Contemporary Art". The most striking component of Modern Art is its dramatic shift and progressive embrace of Abstraction.

Who are the main artists/ critics associated with it?

Impressionist- Manet, Degas, Monet , Pisarro, Sisley, Cassatt

Post- Impressionists- Seurat, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Toulouse- Lautrec, Munch, Klimt

critics- Clement Greenburg, Tyler Green, Robert Hughes, Steven Henry Madoff, Richard Lacayo, Harold Rosenburg, Emile Nola, and Charles Baudelaire

Edgar Degas, L'Absinthe, 1876

2. List all the posts you can think of: Post -Impressionism, Post- Minimalism, Post- Modern Classicism, Post-Structural Feminism, Post Humanism, Post Marxism, Post Modernity

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